There are at least three different trap models (a door-rigged alarm, door-rigged bomb, and free-standing bomb, triggered by a switch), and several classes (BoobyTrapRoster, BoobyTrap. It's evident that traps were cut very late in development. All of this functionality has been restored by player-created mods. The game notably has a few features which were cut at the last minute before release.
This version has a different appearance based on the weapon choice of the player. The gui_tex.utx package contains a number of interesting things, including the images described above, but also an early version of the paperdoll. The expansion doubled down on this logic by adding another such icon for the lightstick that isn't used. While it doesn't appear in the game, a red smoke effect is used to mark the escape zone in VIP Escort.Ĭuriously, icons exist for pieces of equipment that the player always has equipped - handcuffs and multitool - but these aren't used. The icon implies that this was once intended to be a player-usable weapon, but perhaps dropped due to similarities to the M4Super90 outlined above.Īn icon exists for a red smoke grenade item. The M1Super90 model is reused as a suspect-specific weapon.
The model looks nearly identical to the M4Super90, with a missing shell rack and different stock. Icons and models exist for a Benelli M1Super90.